Top Five Greatest Hits....(so far this summer)
I love that summer is here but it seems like now it is almost over! So far
we've had a great time, but I am trying to list our top favorite moments or
New Website!!! Check it Out!
Hey all! Just letting you know that my blog address is changing. I am going
to be starting a weightloss blog fresh with a new address it is
The Fall- Halloween, camping, & soccer!
Here are some pictures from the Fall! Mike started soccer and loved it.
After some coaxing from a few moms, I actually coached Maddie's U10 girls
soccer te...
Music = Life: A Skylit Drive - Just Stay
*"Just Stay"* by A Skylit Drive I won't see you for miles Hoping every day *you
find the strength to stay with me *I'm crippled by the sound you make whe...
Ok, I am right there witchya, in fact it is about my bedtime already! (9:20 pm)
Fire! hmmmmm... I had better come ovrr during the day.
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