Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Extra Pictures

Michael Laughing

Having a good time.

Grandpa and Michael

Michael and Ray Playing Around

Playing Around


This little angel is the sweetest baby and has the most beautiful smile.


Here are some cute pictures of big Mike.

Maddie's Soccer Games

We went to Maddie's soccer game on Saturday and she did great!

Roller Skating

We went roller skating on Monday and we had a blast. Then, a Clown made a move on me. I mean look at him! How could I say no!! LOL. Here are some pics!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Day in Arizona

We Went to Arizona to visit Ryan, Jen and the grand kids. We arrived on 5/15 at 9:30pm. The kids were sleeping except Maddie. She was waiting for us to come in to say good night and get hugs and kisses. We had a great time spending time with everyone. It was very nice to see Chloe for the first time. She is absolutely adorable. We want to say thanks to Jen and Ryan for their hospitality and the great time they showed us. Michael had a blast with Ray and myself. We miss them already. Here are some pictures. This kids are absolutely beautiful.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here comes Casper

Here are some pics of ouw little angel... Lol..

I have always wanted a chiguagua. Not only a chiguagua but a white one. A really good friend of ours had a female that have just had pure chiguagua pups. The mom had just had a pure white pup and he offered it to me and how could I say no! Here are some pics of Casper and a couple of videos of him being silly!